On the run

By Allen - 05/01/2010 06:40 - France

Today, I was in a hurry to catch a plane. I got halfway to the airport when I realized I'd forgotten my phone. I drove back to the house and searched for it. I finally gave up and returned to the airport, only to find that I was 10 minutes late for my plane. Just then, my pocket vibrated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 922
You deserved it 40 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you never check your pockets when you can't find something? YDI


"I'm calling my phone from my phone because I can't find my phone, and I can't find my glasses either." "But... you're wearing your glasses."

Yo dawg, we heard you like phones, so we put a phone in your phone so you can phone your phone while you phone your phone.

Yo dawg. I heard you like replies to your comments. So we put a reply to your comment in this reply to your comment so you can read this reply while you read this reply. (strangely, that made a lot of sense to me)

boatkicker 4

I think this is the only one I've ever seen that does actually make sense. haha.

I have to agree with Horde(8)...just have fun!

dangletsbang21 0

I always check my pockets first. always. but i get it if you were driving and you didn't check because your sitting but when you check your house "and give up" why didn't you check your pockets, it's a dumbass move on your part. so in that case you deserve it. so just if you haven't got the hint yet, always check your pockets :)

It's probably his vibrator... ...and don't bother telling me, "But the OP is a guy." I stand by what I said.

Even though 57% of statistics are made up on the spot?

Wait a second... how the hell did you think you forgot your phone if you didn't reach in your pocket to get it first?

boatkicker 4

If you were already in a hurry, then it should be no surprise to you at all that you missed your plane. You should have had someone mail it to you, if you actually didn't have it. Probably would have cost less to have it over-nighted than to drive back and forth anyways, unless you live really close to the airport. And next time, check your pockets.

I'd say you deserved it, except I do stuff like that all the time, so I can sympathise.

I Would say you YDI,until I bitterly realized that I've been that addled, distracted etc! OP try leaving earlier ,meditate etc It helps a LOT!!

Ha I had the same thing happen to me except it was with a hundred dollar bill... but it didn't vibrate... and I wasn't catching a plane :)