Not guilty

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Birmingham

Today, my husband came home, drunk and with lipstick smeared on his face. When I confronted him about it, he just slurred, "Ah don't worry babe, it ain't mine." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 960
You deserved it 3 069

Top comments

It's not yours, and hopefully there won't be anymore from you ever again.

Well he's not wrong.... Sorry, OP. Sit him down for a highly uncomfortable chat when he's sober. Don't hold back.


QueenOfAwkwardd 14

Well then he can hopefully explain that to her when he's sober. However, with the way he responded while drunk, I doubt that was the case.

Smear fake blood all over the person he cheated with then tell her it was his blood and that she's next. 8)

blu42nj 4

Marry a drunk they said, it will be fun they said.

Wel if it was only a kiss- I would give him hell but forgive him. If he was majorly drunk then it's not completely his fault. Not worth breaking up over if it was a 'totally hammered one time thing'.

Nissi 17

If he was majorly drunk then it is definitely his fault. It's his responsibility to drink a reasonable amount when he knows very well that he's married. We're all susceptible to temptations when we drink. We need to be responsible for ourselves and show restraint. If you're single, hey, go buckwild. If you're married? That ain't gonn fly. Even if it's one time, it shows he doesn't care enough to pace himself to avoid certain outcomes. Just a tad bit selfish in my opinion..

#75 What if you're in a relationship but not married? This might signify that OP's husband has a problem, especially if he's drunk often. They should really talk about this when he's sober.

countryb_cth 38

@55 If a girl took advantage of him while he was drunk it would be molestation or rape. It wouldn't even be classified as an excuse. Same as if a guy took advantage of a drunk woman.

he sounds like a real winner! geez...

harmtouch16 11

"Yeah, neither is this..." *snip snip*

This sounds like something Peter Griffin would do.