Not guilty

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Birmingham

Today, my husband came home, drunk and with lipstick smeared on his face. When I confronted him about it, he just slurred, "Ah don't worry babe, it ain't mine." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 960
You deserved it 3 069

Top comments

It's not yours, and hopefully there won't be anymore from you ever again.

Well he's not wrong.... Sorry, OP. Sit him down for a highly uncomfortable chat when he's sober. Don't hold back.


mjg1416 10

at least he's not a drag queen. But you should still get a STD test just in case...

You're horrifyingly narrow-minded. I hope you sort out your misconceptions.

xivoricbutterfly 25

Well atleast you know he isn't a cross dresser

I'd rather my boyfriend be a cross dresser than a cheater.

xivoricbutterfly 25
xivoricbutterfly 25

Talk to him when he is sober. If there is not a believable reason then time for some bag packing for him.

At least u know his not a cross dresser?

Is a woman supposed to love a man any less if he wears dresses? What kind of notion of love and relationships do you have?? Your clothes do not define you. Let me repeat that because I'm seeing these negative comments about cross dressing a lot. Your clothes do not define you.

I have nothing against crossdressing I'm just saying that as a joke I guess? If my bf were a crossdresser I wouldn't love him less then he is rn

Would you be jealous if he wore it better than you?

I have to say that if my girlfriend walked in on me wearing her panties or something she would have every right to freak out. Not to bash cross dressers, but that's the type of thing she should know about before we started dating, not finding out by seeing it

I'd rather find out my partner is a cross-dresser than a cheater. I can deal with that, but not betrayal.

brendejafulable 41

Well that should ease your mind a bit. Just a bit.

funneh1 21

You deserve so much better hun.

chillandfun 12

That's sadly a valid but misleading explanation.

I've known drunk friends to "prank" their drunk friend by writing on their face with lipstick (or simply applying the lipstick drunkenly on the passed-out person's lips as if they wore the lipstick). When he's sober find out what he meant by that comment, as he could simply have meant that he's not a crossdresser. It doesn't look good, but it *might* not be cheating.