Mixed reviews

By nirvana_mama157 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my husband asked me, "Why do you love me?" I spent the next five minutes spilling my heart and soul out to him. After I'd asked the same question, he looked me straight in the eye and said, "I don't." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 803
You deserved it 4 339

Top comments

alexm501 0

Was he joking? If not then he's an ass and you should leave.


graphicstyle7 17

If he wasn't joking.... leave. I don't care what your age is or what you look like, you can do better, really.

makes me think about a french tv series wich is called "scènes de ménage" : - Do you know why I love you ? - no - I don't either !

Lol wow Alot of the people commenting are either young and haven't been in a long term or they're stupid. When your with someone for sooo many years It's almost impossible to be Inlove allll the time! You just gotta get thru it together it's not a big deal! You can't just leave person the second they aren't Inlove with you and he isn't an ass you can't always control how you feel >_< that's only if thats the scenario I suppose tho.

Well,I'm married and I've been with my husband for eight years,but if he told me he didn't love me anymore,yes I would leave.Pay attention,I'm talking about "loving " me,not "being in love" with me.Being in love with someone is the honeymoon part of every relationship.The beginning,the newness,the freshness of the feeling,you know,those butterflies and all the package.But loving someone is very different,it's a deeper and more complex feeling,and without that,there is no marriage,imo.You may go through times when you aren't in love with your spouse,may be because you are having a hard moment or just because they pissed you off,but you will always love your spouse,deep down.If you don't then it's wrong and egoistic to keep him/her tied down to you,in a relationship where,at best,you're both unsatisfied and unhappy,and that at worst might turn emotionally abusive,since one part doesn't know the real reason of the problems.Really op,if he doesn't love you anymore,get out,for your own sake and for his.

Lol you won't always "feel" Inlove, you can say it but some people will express it differently by either admitting it but realizing its not a big deal as it will come back or some people will choose to say their always Inlove. Either way you can get past it and continue on.

I'm just saying that your way to expressing yourself at that mans ways of expressing it are different but could mean the same thing so people shouldn't be to quick to judge

Well,I asked my husband,and he wouldn't tell me he doesn't love me if he's just pissed at me or in a bad mood,or we are in a rough path.Sure,it might be just him,but the op knows her husband,and if she posted here about this,I think she ruled out a joke or a bad mood.That's why I think that if he really doesn't love her anymore,she should leave for both of their's sake.

ikickgingers 15

Personally - I think somedays you need to make a conscious effort to love someone... And somedays it's gravy. Big difference between soldiering thru hard times and your husband being a bag of douches. I am a firm believer that love isn't always enough... However, it should be a base. Tell him to piss off.

YDI for my giving an ample amount of ********.

WTF? OP deserves it because you give lots of head? Fucktard!

You really need to rethink what you just said...

perdix 29

He was probably hoping that you were going to say you didn't love him either, so he wouldn't feel bad about how he felt (or didn't feel) about you. For those who think marriages end when the couple is no longer "in love," you're going to learn a lot about life that you wished you didn't know.

True. My parents stayed together for twenty-five years after deciding thy weren't "in love" anymore. There are many other things that go into a marriage. It isn't just being happy and in love 24/7, no matter who you're with. However, this comment of OP's husband could have possibly ruined their relationship, whether he intended it to or not. Now, there will always be a tiny part of her that will doubt their entire relationship if they stay together. Anyways, I have conflicting ideas on the subject, so I'll shut up now :b

That is messed up sorry Op I know hearing that your husband doesn't love you must of hurt you to your core... Once a person falls out of love with you or doesn't love you anymore it is very hard to get it back, but if it does happen we tend to question wether or not they really do love you

Why did he marry you then! Thought it was allllll bout love ): sorry!

structuredchaoz 4

Time to hire a lawyer hun. And move on with your life. He doesn't deserve you.