Just a tad

By concusion - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out the "small termite problem" the inspector told me about wasn't so small when a box from the attic fell through the floor and hit me in the head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 110
You deserved it 3 343

Top comments

Look on the bright side, now you can install a firemans pole


RedPillSucks 31

It was probably terminex. They suck. Economy exterminators found termites terminex didn't even tell me about, and they did it for much less.

if it fell from the attic then wouldn't it have tecnicaly fallen through the ceiling? not the floor, just saying

hahahahaha I'm sorry this FML is hilarious

sparkey1568 0
XDSmilezXD 4

Technically... It was the ceiling... Just sayin'. FYL OP.