Happy Birthday!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had to wrap presents for a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 437
You deserved it 7 723

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welderchick87 0

I wrap presents for my dog at Christmas. She LOVES tearing into them...it's the only time she's allowed to rip up paper. Although I kinda slacked off this year with her 'gifts'. Only thing she's gotten so far was flea stuff...which isn't working. Still wanna get her more treats and a new bed. But anyways, how exactly is this an FML?


im wrapping up my dogs present...shes getting a hoodie....says Snow Angel....lol

We wrap presents for my kitties at my house every year. They're part of the family, so they deserve presents too :/ I usually unwrap them for them cuz they can't open presents themselves, but it's not a complete waste of time because they love to play with wrapping paper :D it's so adorable

oh nooooo your life sucks because you had to wrap a present. for a cat. oh noooooooooooooo!

Wow, why are so many people on the comments pages so bloody BORING? Oh, no, the OP's life isn't really ******, so let's all whine about it! Shut up! It's funny! All those people saying 'your life isn't ******' What would you rather, a little funny joke, or a miserable, soul destroying FML about someone who was in a car crash on Christmas Eve and watched all their family die, and then they got home and someone broke in and raped them and then their house burnt down. Ooh yeah, that'd be fun to read. FMLS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN FUNNY AND NEVER PEOPLE WHOSE LIVES ARE DESTROYED. CATS CAN'T UNWRAP PRESENTS. STOP ******* WHINING.

My cats clawed all of the paper off of almost every present this year and I had to re-wrap them all. Don't tell me they don't do that, lol.

letitbe56 0

My cat unwraps her present. We have to use tissue paper instead of wrapping paper so she can do it, but still. She definitely can and does unwrap her presents, as have all the cats I've ever had.

how the hell is this an FML? id love to wrap presents for my cat(wrapping presents gets me in the christmas spirit) and so that doesnt seem like a boo hoo you moment. STFU and make a better FML next time. Merry CHristmas/Christmas Eve everyone ^^

AndreaHatesYou1 0

This isn't an FML at all. Actually, thanks for reminding me, I have to wrap my cats present. They kept trying to unwrap the plastic from it so I had to lock it away, they'll have a grand time unwrapping it. :D

Today, I had to read one of the stupidest FMLs ever. FML

Today, some loser complained about having to wrap a gift for a cat. FML :) && - dont be hating on the cats ;)