Drop it!

By AliRocks - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got a ticket for vandalizing public property. I decided to draw a cat on the street outside my house in sidewalk chalk. I'm 20, and I have to explain to my parents why I'm playing with chalk instead of studying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 280
You deserved it 27 127

Top comments

wow really? you got in trouble for drawing with chalk? That shit washes off with the tiniest drop of water. Damn cops find anything to give you a ticket. **** your life man

How the **** can you get a ticket for that? It disappears when you throw a bucket of water on it.


seriously? it's chalk. those cops were stupid. don't pay the ticket because you were wrongly accused.

God bless America. The land of everyone having a stick up their ass about /something/.

You can only get charged for vandalism if it's permanent. Chalk washes away so go take it to court and give a giant middle finger to whoever gave you the ticket in the first place.

I've had 3 tickets for vanadlising... Just for drawing with chalk outside my house. They're far to strict.

Chalk can come off though.. Thats gay. A cat is even gayer

Tdot36 5

Now was it a cat . Or a pussy? That's the real question

I'd ask for proof that not only you committed the so called vandalism but also proof the vandalism even exists and fight the ticket. After cleaning it up without being watched lol