Dressed for success

By bitchsawmebuyit - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Yorktown Heights

Today, I realized the dress I bought yesterday still had the security tag on. I returned to the store to get it removed, only to realize I'd lost my receipt. The lady at the counter thought I stole it, called security, and had me escorted out, dress-less. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 714
You deserved it 4 760

Same thing different taste


veritoswty6 14

Aren't there security cameras? I would certainly go back and ask for a refund at least.. Smh

Chewiebhz 15

Get the right receipt and prosecute their asses for some easy dough!

I work retail. Sorry, but this would never happen.

You'd think they coulda just checked the security tape from yesterday?

She could easily get proof of purchase if she used credit/debit. If you paid with cash op... well now you know which store to steal from :)

littlelotte98 3

that's stupid if u stole it u wouldn't have gone back to the store with it

You should've told her that If you did stole it, y would you go back?! Anyway it's ok at-least they didn't arrest you :)

JokersHQ 21

That's horrible! Tell them to look through the security footage before accusing you of stealing, making you pay for the same dress twice, and embarrassing you in front of other customers.