
By 3-wheeler - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I left my car in a disreputable area. After picking it up later on, I heard a strange "clonking" sound. The clonking suddenly stopped when my wheel fell off; someone had stolen my wheel nuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 949
You deserved it 4 532

Top comments

SavageFOLK 0

does anybody understand how hilarious "wheel nuts" sound?

Uhhuhuh. Beavis, he said 'nuts'. Uhuhuhuh.


They are called lug nuts not wheel nuts

RKftw 0

well I guess it's time to... *puts on sunglasses* nut up, or shut up...

it's a well known fact that lug nuts can be traded for crack. well maybe not lug nuts but Deez nuts can :p

To all the people "correcting" OP for saying wheel nuts, look at his location. It's more common in the UK to say wheel nut instead of lug nut. Even mechanics do it.

Today,I saw this white guy get out of a nice car and decided to pay him a visit by jacking his nuts.