Believe in your dreams

By ZAS - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, at the daycare center that I volunteer at, a 5 year-old boy asked me, "What do you do when you really want something?" I told him to try his best to get it and give it his best. He ended up stealing from the donation box and when he was caught he said that I told him to do it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 156
You deserved it 6 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments

martron3000 5

Kid's got a great future in politics: 1- Interprets answers to his questions to his own benefit 2-Knows how to steal 3-Lies & blames it on someone else.

And that is why you try to get as much info as you can from a child about their question before you answer it.....


#29 wtf is wrong with you? How is that a cute story? The kid STOLE, how is stealing cute? And then how is lying after stealing cute? Sucks to be you dude, and i agree with #30, i dont see how it can be your fault in any way, you told him to try his best, not to steal from the church. Besides, there's probably what, $10 in there?

Islander_fml 5

Just say, "I didn't tell him to do that. He's lying." It's the truth. He's lying to say you told him to steal. You didn't tell him to steal. Besides, that little ****** deserves punishment for stealing. You should never steal from someone. It's best he learn that now.

see what's happening to society: you do something you believe is good-hearted, and EVEN 5 year old kids turn it around and stab you in the back. the pathetic part of this story is they believed a lying, thieving, cheating, manipulative 5 year old kid over you, a responsible adult. SEE THE MADNESS

olefan 0

smack that ******* retarded kid

hassenpfeffermmm 0

Do us all a favor, don't give anymore advice.

To those of you crying that he should have asked...why would the kid tell the truth?! I highly doubt a 5 year old would go "Oh I just want to steal the donation box over there!"

Yay for kids logic. XD I doubt the kid was lying from his point of view. For him you actually did allow him to take the money because you said try you best to get it. You should have asked what he wanted. XD