Angry little kid

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was helping first-graders do school work when one of them stabbed me in the face with a pencil, all because I told her that a three was backwards. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 949
You deserved it 3 539

Top comments

ninjuh_wingman 29


KiddNYC1O 20

That hurts. I've stabbed myself with a pencil by mistake in the stomach.

In the stomach, you say? How'd you manage that? Did you get one of those grey blue graphite dots? I have one on my leg, I've heard they never go away... I wonder if OP has one on his/her face??

Wow OP, I don't know what schools u and 41 work in but some discipline is desperately needed and I hope u reported this kid. I work with kids and I have never been stabbed or punched or kicked. This new generation is nothing like my generation. I wouldn't even talk back to an adult me alone stab one with a pencil.

soulXkiss 6

probably because kids don't like it when you correct them

First cooment of its kind: Are you alright?

Stab her back so she learnes what it feels like like a good teacher go for a eye 2 so u get a little spite gratification dont forget to say ha! Good luck with that !!!!

Did anyone else imagine the pencil being stuck in OP's face? Realistically the kid wouldn't have broken the skin, right? ....right???

And this is what's wrong with society these days. Kids do things like this and get away with it because their parents don't know how to be parents. They're afraid to discipline their kids at all for fear of getting slapped with a child abuse lawsuit. It's pathetic, really. Also - How about a magic trick? I'm going to make this pencil disappear! *jam it into eye* Tada! It's gone!

Is there a line not loading on my screen? I missed the part where it said the child got away with it and that her parents didn't discipline her.

jackeechan 10
_MissyJennifer_ 0

Kids are wonderful these days aren't they?