Happy Halloween!

By 4evalone - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Monterey

Today, I was dressed as a single girl. I wore pajama pants, hoodie with no bra, and carried a plate of pizza around. But it wasn't my costume, I just had nowhere to go for Halloween. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 112
You deserved it 5 435

Top comments


Well at least you had a realistic costume!

Not true. As a boyfriend, we BUY pizza so free pizza > pizza, boyfriend = free pizza, boyfriend > pizza.

Let me break it down for you #43... 1. Free Pizza is better than pizza 2. Having a boyfriend equals free pizza 3. Therefore boyfriend is better than pizza.

DogeMan 14

Video games> girlfriend lol

I'm pretty sure the equation goes. pizza + single girl = boyfriend

Comfort and rest is good for the soul once in a while. I enjoyed sharing the same costume as you and there were so many awesome classic halloween movies on TV last night :-)

Or you could dress up as yourself and say you're dressed as a pedestrian :P

rosha267 21

That sounds like an awesome night to me!

I guess everyday is October 31st for me

I prefer wearing my hoodie with my bra on, but thats just me I hope you enjoyed yourself either way!

That actually sounds like a dream Friday night to me! I love pizza, and who needs a bra, anyway? Keep your head up, OP!

I think bras are from hell. They are like a cage squeezing my soul outta my chest. I hate them!!! #bralessmomentshappymoments :p

You had me until the hashtag shit. After that...well lets just say the thoughts that went through my head weren't pretty.

pfshh call some friends over for a Halloween party and get some shots going. It's better to make your own fun.

I think the point is that she has no friends

meli1195 31

or maybe she just doesn't feel like getting shitfaced like everyone else

And I was dressed as a single girl/miserable student who had 5 chapters to read, an essay to write, a 20 min video to analyze and countless equations to memorize. But life goes on. Besides, you had pizza AND didn't have to wear a bra...sounds like a pretty good night to me

Right there with you. Mid-semester is just a blast...