Higher than the sun

By Bad Dad - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Colorado Springs

Today, I caught my 15-year-old son trying to roll catnip into a joint and smoke it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 929
You deserved it 5 092

Top comments

karatekid97 17

*inserts an overused cat pun in a sentence here*


karatekid97 17

Well you gotta admit, it was the purrfect plan..!

tony1891 22

no need to get a cattitude about it.

Cat you guys think of any original puns? :p

incoherentrmblr 21

Cats out of the bag I guess...

You need to have a serious talk with him right meow

badluckalex 23

meow it's time to talk to him about drugs.

mif_fml 27

Of course not. Everyone knows you can't get high off of catnip. You have to use oregano.

iLike2Teabag 27

Yea especially in a state where weed is legal...

Not if you're 15. I'm pretty sure that in states where marijuana is legal, you still have to be 18 (or is it 21?) to use it.

#22 and while we're at it, why don't we buy alcohol and give it to toddlers! *she says in a sarcastic voice*

*inserts an overused cat pun in a sentence here*

*insert bad pun reply that will get downvoted here*

Swear these "insert" lines get used more than the thing they are taking the piss of these days.

What does that even mean? Please, don't do that again.

Well I've heard that catnip pretty much makes cats high......... Who knows he might have a thing going there

People can soak catnip in water for tea & it can be used to calm you down a little. It doesn't make you high though. It actually tastes pretty good.

catnip does have some similar effects of marijuana but much milder. you can smoke or put on dip of catnip in and it will make you drowsy, that's it really.

Time to buy him some dope for a dope. Just kidding a education is in need.

Chente_313 15

He has to be catful with what he does.