You OK hun?

By OUCH - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, while going for a run in my neighbourhood, I was hit by a car, not once, but twice. The second car, closely following the first, stopped, then drove forwards to see if I was alright. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 948
You deserved it 3 323

Top comments

...Were you not looking where you were going? Unless the car was on the pavement, you're in the wrong here.

ryguy997 0

5, not everyone who gets hit dies. luckily.


Are you sure you weren't accidently running into cars?

RottenKid 0

Dude... How are you still breathing?! but seriously, that must really suck

If it had been only once and I would have been sympathetic but as it is, I think you should watch where you're going.

L2Run on the sidewalk. I guess it's possible that there were no sidewalks on the current road you were on. In that case, run on the opposite side of traffic so you can see the cars that are coming toward you and act accordingly. It's just that I see so many joggers on the damn road when there's a perfectly good sidewalk next to them.

meh. not exactly an FML unless you got hurt. Did you get hurt?

Roads are better to run on then sidewalks because they're softer and won't put as much pressure on your body. However, you do have to be alert on the roads. After years of road running, I've learned to predict which cars will stop for you and which ones won't. FYL, that must suck.

maggie_gxx 0

wow the second cars an idiot they drove forward to see if you were okay lmaao. its called getting OUT of the car. that REALLY sucks for you.

wtf YDI how can you be hit by a car you retard, first of all an person with a bit of intelligence knows you run against traffic so you can see the cars coming at you