You OK hun?

By OUCH - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, while going for a run in my neighbourhood, I was hit by a car, not once, but twice. The second car, closely following the first, stopped, then drove forwards to see if I was alright. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 948
You deserved it 3 323

Top comments

...Were you not looking where you were going? Unless the car was on the pavement, you're in the wrong here.

ryguy997 0

5, not everyone who gets hit dies. luckily.


Okay, well, that second car is an idiot. If you see that someone got hit by a car, wouldn't your first instinct be to stop the car, get out, and run over to the person, if you were going to stop at all? Why would you keep going, if there was someone on the ground IN FRONT of you? That was a stupid move. I hope you're okay though. Be glad you're alive, you were being watched over :)

rakhil11 7

the person in the second car is an idiot, or BS of ur imagination

bigraws23 0
jayb9022 0
foxfur 25

XD the very base of American society

pottymouthpanda 0

poking u with his car, lol i hope your fine :)

That really stinks.....well at least someone had the decency to see if you were alright