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By Flooded - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was looking forward to coming home to a freshly-cooked meal. Coming home to a cowering dog, two inches of water on the floor, and being handed a mop is just as good, I guess. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 556
You deserved it 3 630

Top comments

Kylias 6

No, the dog handed her the mop.

You're a ******* idiot. 1. You didn't even God damn read the gender of the poster. 2. Just because the OP was expecting a meal THIS ONE DAY, you presume that she makes her husband make dinner EVERY DAY. This would be just as dumb the other way round. 3. In fact, YOU are the sexist for *quote* "Why couldnt you come come home expecting to have a wife sitting on the couch drinking a beer and watching the game while you cooked her a meal for once?" This is generalizing. You just said every single guy acts like that. Why? Oh, because the OP was expecting a meal this once. THIS ONCE. You're basically saying that if the woman cooks a meal for the man once, she has sworn a freaking oath to cook for him every God damn day. So, to sum it up, three obvious signs of stupidity in your post: Generalizing, sexism, and hypocrisy. Have a horrible life, idiot.


Why is everyone so sexist. You do know working a job compares nothing to giveing birth and cleaning and looking after children. This is coming from a guy who understands how women feel

Shady_R 0

I hate when my stay-at-home mom friends say "There is nothing harder in the world." Its offensive to those of us that don't want kids. I'm more apt to agree with no more important job. But harder, bleh, I run a house and work and go to school and volunteer. You just look after your four year old kid whos in school all day.

How is that offensive? If a firefighter told you that his/her job was the hardest in the world but you had no interest in being one yourself, would you still get your panties in a wad?

Shady_R 0

Are your panties in a wad because a female dared to have an opinion?

No, it's because you're opinion is ******* retarded. Sure those moms that continue to stay at home after all their kids are school aged suck, but what about the year or so that the baby wakes up every half hour and the mom can hardly get an hour of total sleep a night, for that entire year? I know all kids aren't like that, but I know I was and I know I put my mom through hell. You have no idea how hard it is to raise a kid, most moms have had normal jobs too and say it's nothing compared to raising children. You're an ignorant bitch, and you're really paranoid of sexism at that. Seriously that comment didn't indicate any sexism whatsoever, stop trying to look for it.

ElMundio87 0

just tried to type your sentence into my iphone, and it came up as "your". So don't blame your technology for your lack of skill at pressing buttons.

No shit. But the e is right next to the r and it's very easy to press a button next to the one you're trying to press as well as the one you're trying to press, and you might not catch it if you aren't really paying attention. Youer and youre are both autocorrected to you're. At least on my phone.

Meh. Just because I hate kids and don't want any doesn't stop me from agreeing that having children is hard. Just having a puppy is tiring - and they grow out of it in a few months. Having kids has to be harder, and they take longer to grow up. Ugh. And expensive.

No I'm writeing this as I **** your mom. And I tottaly like pussy.

Wow, no wonder your dog is scared if he peed on the floor THAT much! He probably thinks that the mop is for you to beat him with.

Sooner_Or_Later 0

look at her name..it says FLOODED. not 2inches of pee....

Wow this fml proves my texas theory - it's full of beyond lazy rednecks. Sucks to be you OP

epoh_fml 0

Im a woman who works full time, gives birth, and cooks and cleans. So does my significant other (besides the birthing part. men can't do that yet). Where's my prize?

dudeitsdanny 9

"gives birth"... The way you phrased it makes it seem like a regular thing... Do you pop one out as often as possible or something? No wonder you have so much work.

your children are your prize. Scratch that, our children are OUR prizes. The human race goes to school, works and dies. Our prize is children. Our children go to school, work and die again. Its the life paradox.

Shady_R 0

I'd like to know why the dog was 'cowering'. Sounds like you shouldn't have a dog if someone in the house is treating him in a way that causes him to cower.

Could be the OP used "cowering" as lack of a better word. Or that the dog doesn't like water. I used to have a dog that couldn't go outside if it was raining.

Shady_R 0

Presumably, the puddle on the floor was the dogs own urine. It strikes me as much more likely that the dog would be scared of being hit with the mop handle than a product of it self.

Probably because the house was flooded, and it freaked out the dog. And the dog's anxiety was compounded by the fact that everyone else in the house was also upset and frustrated.

wildnose94 0

I live in Texas and there aren't any rednecks, #22. Way to be stereotypical. Maybe her husband is just a douche bag. Maybe he was also cleaning and needed her help. It never said that he just gave the mop and didn't try to clean.

InstaKarma 0

Wow, way to feed the trolls, everyone. o.O

I currently live in the bible belt and i hate it. i've lived in the north all my life and people respect their women. i also hate how people here use religion as a crutch. do something bad. its fine as long as you go to confession