Weird, huh?

By Sam - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Salt Lake City

Today, I found out that the woman from My Strange Addiction who can't stop picking her scabs is married. I've been single for two years and I don't even pick my nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 621
You deserved it 3 767

Top comments

Don't want to be the dick here, but maybe she's a lovable person and picking scabs isn't much of a deal-breaker, whereas you may not have any disgusting habits yet you are an asshat. If you have a good personality you have nothing to worry about, good things will come in tim, maybe just put yourself out there a little more. Either way it wasn't very nice to compare her in that way, she's a person just like the rest of us...

Well then start picking your scabs. It's the way forward.


Maybe she is attractive and you're not? Maybe she has a pleasant personality and you don't? Maybe she knows how to work through problems in a relationship and you don't? There are a lot of variable that come in to play. We don't know you or her so we can't really help you with that one. But I always say that there is somebody out there for everyone. They will come along, I promise.

kenziemarie_16 5

I LOVE THAT SHOW! So entertaining..

UltimateGIRness 16

Everyone picks their nose. I don't care who you are or what you say you do or don't do, everybody picks their nose

The lesson here? Try cleaning your nose more often. Women love a man with clean nostrils. lol :P

Well, it depends what your strange addiction is?

Nanners152 9

Obviously she's a better person than you are. That's an actual disease that tons of people have. Its a form of OCD and Tourette's, and it's hard to impossible to control without therapy or medication. That's like wondering why the alcoholic or the manic-depressive has a boyfriend and you don't.

maybe it's because you seem like an asshat who judges people's ability to be loved by what you perceive to be strange traits.

Habacadavarus 12

I've been single for years, it's mostly because I'm anti-social although I feel where you are coming from. I would suggest focusing on social hobbies, things you can enjoy in a social environment. You are doing something you enjoy and it can offer the opportunity to meet new people... or new people through new people.