Up in smoke

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Portland

Today, I lit my beard on fire while trying to light a cigarette driving to work. I got fired from work when I got there because of my appearance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 804
You deserved it 46 678

Top comments

Ah, the one smoking hazard the Surgeon General didn't warn you about. That's how they get ya...

Apply cold water to the - Hey where's half of your beard?


HawkwindFan2016 8

Don't drink OR smoke and drive.

If your beard is big enough to light it on fire when trying to light a 7cm cigarette, you were probably soon to be told to trim it anyways. Also, burnt hair stinks, so double whammy. Either way, entirely your fault.

ViviMage 38

I am really sorry, this is the first FML I laughed to at work!

Being on fire or being fired trying to weigh up which one is worse. :'(

Chuck norris's beard.... Oh I just can't. I'm going to bed.

If that's not a good reason to quit smoking, I don't know what is.

YDI for smoking, but more than that, trying to light a cigarette while DRIVING. I despise people who drive while doing shit like that, including talking on cell phones or texting. Why were you lighting it up while the car was moving? And yeah, I'd imagine you did look like crap when you showed up at work, and I bet you work at a job where you have to show your face all the time. Dear God I hope it's not the food business...


See cigarettes screw everything up