By lovefortoday - 13/03/2012 16:50 - United States

Today, while at work, a man came up to me and screamed that I was the devil's child, pointing at the tattoo on my wrist the whole time. I just stood there while he prayed for my soul. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 602
You deserved it 3 858

lovefortoday tells us more.

lovefortoday 14

It was the one on my left wrist of a butterfly and flowers. The other one is a dolphin and flowers. I was unaware that butterflies and dolphins where evil. They were for my Mom and Step-Mom.

Top comments

tylersign 11

What the hell? Did you have a demon eating a child as a tattoo?

itzNaynay 0

Laugh and tell him that your dad said he'll see him soon.


Rocky007 15

You got a tattoo to get noticed. It worked.

You deserved it for not reacting in some way, at least pushing him away and leave.

lovefortoday 14

I eventually walled away and went to the bathroom till he left. Seeing as the old creeper couldnt follow me in there.

kellyXbeanz 3

wow dumb ass guy!! hate pol like that -_- smh!

lovefortoday 14

If I wanted someone to pray for me I would ask.

lovefortoday 14

Wal-Mart and sadly it was not the first time someone yelled at me about my tattoos. I only have four visible.

Well, considering she was at work, I would imagine she couldn't do any of the more abrupt or rude things to get away from this person that some of you are describing... Probably the only thing she might have gotten away with was walking why didn't she?

lewok 8

Were you walking past a west borough baptist church protest or something?

That's not a FML moment. Thats a Where the **** is my Camera moment.