By lovefortoday - 13/03/2012 16:50 - United States

Today, while at work, a man came up to me and screamed that I was the devil's child, pointing at the tattoo on my wrist the whole time. I just stood there while he prayed for my soul. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 602
You deserved it 3 858

lovefortoday tells us more.

lovefortoday 14

It was the one on my left wrist of a butterfly and flowers. The other one is a dolphin and flowers. I was unaware that butterflies and dolphins where evil. They were for my Mom and Step-Mom.

Top comments

tylersign 11

What the hell? Did you have a demon eating a child as a tattoo?

itzNaynay 0

Laugh and tell him that your dad said he'll see him soon.


If youve got one and he freaked out. I wonder what hed think about 60+

blueeyedwolf 10

Probably think you are the OP's father... ;) (or mother...)

lovefortoday 14

I think the old man would have had a heart attach.

KaziX_fml 4

Yeah. Shit like this happens to me too. I don't have any tattoos. I simply wear a black, long, coat and some military black boots. And I listen metal. And I'm always called "Satan" or "the devil's child"...

blueeyedwolf 10

Same here, although I am a perky tattooed goth. During the Holidays, people seemed surprised to hear me say Merry Christmas... Don't judge a book by it's cover.

That's The most retarded look ever. I rather watch people sag their pants to their knees than these ugly ass long coats with ugly hairdo. Its ok to be Different But emos or goths bring the word "different" to a whole néw level. U don't want to be judged? Then stop wearing retarded clothes. Thatas just my opinion

blueeyedwolf 10

Terminating comment because previous person deleted theirs..

Aww. My family has a story from when I was a toddle and bawling in public over some trifle. Apparentally, a stranger came up to me, and asked my parents, "Have you tried praying for her?" Strangers can be obnoxious.

mrsvallerybieber 0

I have family friends that have children that are incontestable and cry to get everything they want. The reason they asked if they'd pray for you is maybe because praying would help control the child.

mrsvallerybieber 0
lovesthebeach 0

I had a lady pray for my whole family one year when buying Halloween costumes for my children . She was really loud in the middle of Wal - mart . She drew quite a crowd . SO yeah fyl .

SkyBug91 5

What is the tattoo of exactly? Haha FYL

Strafeh 9

My whole family has tattoos. That guy is a douche.

maybe your just a liar if so i dont like you, poophead

The guy is likely just crazy. I'm a Christian who has a tattoo. I've also known a few Christians who (mistakenly) believe that tattoos are sinful but I've never known one to start screaming in public at someone who has one. This reminds me of something that happened to my sister once when she was in high school though. This old guy who was foaming at the mouth ran from across the street screaming, "I'm going back to school! I'm going back to school!" He then enthusiastically asked her if she believed in Jesus or Moses and began ranting about how we need more religion in this country. Then school security tackled him, and my sister was unharmed but scared shitless.

TheDrifter 23

I'll trade her. When people find out I'm mennonite they always start asking questions about buggies and why I have a smart phone, like I should be Amish or stuck in the 18th century, it drives me nuts.

MissHayleyJames 7

I'm the same way. I'm a Christian but I have 2 tattoos. Both are small and only one is visible. It's a Bible verse on my wrist, Psalm 62:2. The crazy psycho Christians who give the rest of us a bad name drive me insane.

desireev 17

Gee, I'm glad I'm not the only one! I, currently, have 27 tattoos. I am a faithful Christian. I believe in God and all of his powers and I praise him every day! But come on, people!! Yes, your body is a temple not to be destructed! I know this! But I'm not going to Hell for it! I follow the Ten Commandments. I live my life for God! But I doubt that Gabrielle is going to do a strip-search at the pearly-gates of Heaven and tell me that my 27 tattoos and my 7 piercings are not permitted. I highly doubt that I, or any other person with body modifications, am going to get the boot and be sent to Hell for it! I'm just saying that I practice and live in my faith for God. I will NOT force it on anyone else. But don't force Hell on me for the beautiful art that is on my body!