By dentistftw - 08/08/2009 04:06 - United States

Today, it's my 22nd birthday. The only person who remembered was the dentist who sent me a postcard in the mail. I stopped going to him four years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 973
You deserved it 2 896

Same thing different taste

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Today, it's my birthday. I have gotten three calls all day. The first one was my fiancee, saying he wanted his ring back. The second one was my best friend, confessing to me that she had been sleeping with my fiancee for the past three months. The third was the dentist's office singing me a happy birthday. FML Maybe you went to the same dentist? xD Strangely ironic :)


ChelseaTheKid 0

aww but thats kinda sweet that he remembered after four years. but sucks that no one else did. But Happy Birthday!

yumfrenchtoast 0

1. Wow, we have the same birthday! 2. Man, that really sucks. D: Maybe throw a party for yourself next year? It'll give your prick friends and family a kick in the nuts to wake them up.

Happy 29th birthday!... I think. It's 2015 right now.