By salmone - 16/05/2014 01:03 - Australia - Spotswood

Today, one of my year 9 students finished the test an hour early. He decided to spend the time by "stealthily" whacking off. His entire desk was shaking in a silent room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 598
You deserved it 6 206

salmone_fml tells us more.

Follow Up: it is a national test, so he couldn't go to the bathroom, and I couldn't disrupt the test by speaking. I stood nearby and cleared my throat loudly, that seemed to work, and he emerged from his jumper (sweater) fairly quickly. I would say given that all he wrote on the test was his name, he probably did not do very well. Finally, there are some very nasty, judgemental people on here. Perhaps you should try to live a little more kindly and gently.

Top comments

m22100 14

I don't get how it seemed like a good idea to him.


Should've given him a longer test or just some tissues

Sadly, sounds like some people in my class...

Well I'm finished with my test, time to ********** if the middle of class

Ah I remover when I whipped my dick out in class o show a girl :3

JustShootMeFML 32

What did you end up doing OP? I really hope when I finish school and begin teaching I won't have this happen.

shouldn't you know better by that grade? just saying...

One time I was playing a game on my phone and it looked like I was jerking off in class. The school policy is no phones but the teacher is cool and says as long as he doesn't see them, he won't do anything. It was under my desk and it involves a lot of swiping and tapping. The girl behind me was really forward and into me and asked if I wanted help so I turned around and she found out I wasn't pleasuring myself. The sad part was I didn't understand until I told my friend in the next class. ?

Maybe he made a mistake and needed more white out?

He's 9? Christ, how much hormones Is there in the food. Also, it's a disgusting feat of courage and bravery to be capable to achieve that in a room full of people..

Shattersmith 10

The average age of a year 9 student is 14 turning 15 sometime that year.