By wallamanut - 14/12/2014 07:50 - United States - Portland

Today, my parents decided to finally kick me out of the house because they've gotten tired of seeing me "sleep around all day and being so lazy" whenever I'm home. I'm currently triple-shifting for 6 days a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 870
You deserved it 2 847

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Man, parents sure can be hard on their kids..

How helpful they're you're tired and homeless


ClumsyNinja4536 0

Wow, your parents are assholes.

If you're working triple shifts then you should be able to pay for an apartment

triple shifting? Guess you should have no problem affording you're own place then. Get over it.

Interesting. Your folks seem to notice you are one lazy day a week instead of your six productive days a week…