By Nikkalicious16 - 18/02/2009 15:26 - United States

Today, my mother told me that my father once told her that he was glad she wasn't a red head. He wouldn't have married her if she was because he hates red heads. I am his red-headed daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 223
You deserved it 3 049

Nikkalicious16 tells us more.

Nikkalicious16 0

first of all, my dad is my dad... second, i know my red hair is in my genes...kinda goes w.o saying..genious. third, red hair runs on my mothers side, she just doesnt have red hair. fourth, us red heads ARE the shit.

Top comments

im hoping to marry a redheaded lady. they are beautiful creatures.

Where does your red head come from then? Methinks your mother would know ;)


Redheads make up under 2% of the population. (I have rusty brown hair.) Some geneticists think that within 6 generations, there will be no more redheads. embrace it while you can.

katewasherexx 0

I'm a redhead. We're the best :D

Oh gosh, your dad isn't sexually attracted to you. Your life sucks so bad!

I agree. Ginger is THE nicest hair colour to have. I wish I was a red head. :(

2XtraZoom 0

Your mom is mean. Why would she tell you something like that? I'd worry more about what your mom had against you than what your father MIGHT have said years ago. And anyone who would make a marriage decision based on hair color deserves what they get.

pozmc 0

hey my dads the same way, he hates blondes, I'm blonde. I dyed my hair dark and he told my hairdresser to never do that again. it was weird....

Some of y'all are not very smart. I'll just leave it at that.

alltimelowislove 0

OP's not saying she wanted to have romantic relations with her dad , duh .