By blaise - 13/04/2009 17:39 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of 8 years dumped me. When I asked if there was another guy, she responded, "You were the other guy". FML
I agree, your life sucks 560
You deserved it 48

Top comments

OperationNicole_fml 0
22_fml 0

wow thats should find the other guy and tell him just to get her back.


it took her 8 years to tell you you were the other guy? >_> way to make a guy feel like he was the right person

dang dude, nothing worse than that feeling...nobody deserves that. Better to find out now than later though. You'll feel better in about 4weeks.

#108 OP = original poster... anyways, You'd have to be pretty dense not to notice something was up.

Dont believe this at all you have to be pretty dumb not to notice something like that for so long.

So was she always with this guy on holidays, vacations. every night slept in the same bed.........

AlexJakubsen1 0
Claire_bear 0

Haha #18 made me laugh Oh and I picked up that OP means the person who sudmitted the fml, but what does OP actually stand for?

teh_ass 0