By PyroSam - 12/12/2014 18:07 - United Kingdom - London

Today, my boyfriend sent Christmas Carollers to my house to tell me he was breaking up with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 757
You deserved it 3 013

PyroSam tells us more.

Here's the full story (just saying this is my first FML that has been published. Yay!). First off, we'd had a fight and he'd stormed out of the house. I believe he went out with his friends and got drunk out of his mind, which is probably where the midnight Christmas breakup idea came from. The carollers were surprisingly supportive, and I didn't even have to tip them. The next morning I received a grovelling voice message, which I subsequently ignored. I think I'm done with that relationship now, but hats off to his originality.

Top comments

Ouch, I'm sorry Op. That's really heartless. In my opinion, if he didn't even have the balls to tell you in person he wasn't 'the one' anyways.


At least he was thoughtful enough to do it creatively

*ex boyfriend you can do so much better without him!

How did he manage to convince them to sing a break up song?

I'm breaking up with you, fa la la la la la la la.

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