By PJSandWitch - 18/12/2016 14:49 - Brazil - Rio De Janeiro

Today, I woke up super early to get ready for a wedding an hour away. I'm a bridesmaid, and also 8 months pregnant. The dress that fit me perfectly 3 days ago won't fit anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 672
You deserved it 714

PJSandWitch tells us more.

OP here! Happy it got posted! It wasn't a custom made dress, most brides in Brazil prefer that the bridesmaids are not all matching. I had a really hard time finding something that I could wear, and that dress was the only formal dress with belly space I could find. I tried it on with a pillow when I bought it a few months ago! 3 days before it fit perfectly, I was shocked how bigger I had gotten in just 3 days! In the end I made it work, just couldn't breath so easily. After the ceremony, I opened the zipper a little and put a jacket on, so I was comfortable!

Top comments

StitchnLilo 24

FYL. Just one more month and back to normal clothes though!!!

Cow_Girl_Lilly 24

Gotta think positive! In a month you'll have a baby and in two months you'll be a sleep deprived mother.


StitchnLilo 24

FYL. Just one more month and back to normal clothes though!!!

normal-ish depending how much she put on during the pregnancy (sorry but it happens)

Poor thing, the same thing happened to me, it sucks. Grab a shall to cover the back part of the dress that's unzipped fatty. lol

Best of luck OP!! Congratulations regarding the baby..

Cow_Girl_Lilly 24

Gotta think positive! In a month you'll have a baby and in two months you'll be a sleep deprived mother.

I'm already sleep deprived! I can't find a position, and most nights I can hardly breath because of the weight of the belly over my lungs. Guess I'll sleep again in a year ¯_(ツ)_/¯

A year? I hope for your sake that is true! Some babies sleep through really early but some still wake until they are two or 3. Good luck!

Congrats on your baby! though maybe your tailor could have worked some variability into your dress...

You don't skate to where the puck is, you skate to where the puck will be. Your tailor needs to learn from Wayne Gretzky!

man_in_black08 28

^^^(#7)This and it's always nice to have wiggle more. :/

Depending on the style of the dress there are sometimes tricks you can do. Hopefully if nothing else the bride will be ok with you wearing something else.

OP here! Happy it got posted! It wasn't a custom made dress, most brides in Brazil prefer that the bridesmaids are not all matching. I had a really hard time finding something that I could wear, and that dress was the only formal dress with belly space I could find. I tried it on with a pillow when I bought it a few months ago! 3 days before it fit perfectly, I was shocked how bigger I had gotten in just 3 days! In the end I made it work, just couldn't breath so easily. After the ceremony, I opened the zipper a little and put a jacket on, so I was comfortable!

Good it worked out for you. Congrats on your baby and best wishes for you.