By Code_Skull - 30/06/2016 06:53 - Netherlands - Vlissingen

Today, I went to work using the train. While on the train, I fell asleep. I woke up 130km late. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 463
You deserved it 2 839

Code_Skull tells us more.

OP here, turns out my boss was also late. Coincidences like this are called "luck" i suppose. about setting an alarm, i've done that but for some reason i slept right trough it. also, dutch trains are pretty crowded at the moment, so nobody thought about waking me up. until the next post thingamading i guess.

Top comments

nonsensical 26

I had a habit of falling asleep on trains too, so I always set my alarm to 10 minutes before my train was scheduled to arrive at my stop to make sure I'm more than awake and prepared to get off on time. In short: Set your alarm! Every time!

Set an alarm next time so you don't miss your stop next time.....or drink coffee on your way to work so you don't fall asleep at all!


Which America? Pretty sure they still teach the metric system along-side imperial in the U.S. so you can't be from there. Canada and South America use metric. There must be some new America in Myanmar. Oh... wait, is this a joke?

I'm on a train right now - most people take it to and from work. The guy beside me is sound asleep snoring. Wonder how late he's goin to be

When u snooze u lose, make sure to set that alarm next time OP

This brings a whole new meaning to the term "long nap"

I never understood how people can fall asleep with so much noise. Maybe next time grab a cup of coffee to keep you up or set an alarm to wake you up a little before your stop, but since you can fall asleep with so much noise you may not hear your alarm so I advise taking ear phones so the alarm will actually wake you up.

OP here, turns out my boss was also late. Coincidences like this are called "luck" i suppose. about setting an alarm, i've done that but for some reason i slept right trough it. also, dutch trains are pretty crowded at the moment, so nobody thought about waking me up. until the next post thingamading i guess.

taking the train in the Netherlands can suck sometimes

Almost happened to be on the way from school. It was pretty cold on the bus and lulled me to sleep.

So, in the Android PlayStore, you can find applications that will sound an alarm based on location (as opposed to time). Maybe that will be useful? I use it.

What are they teaching kids in schools these days? I live in the U.S., and I know that km is kilometers, and I know I can use Google to see that that works out to about 80 miles. I use the bus to get to work, and goodness knows I've fallen asleep more than once. Luckily, I've never missed my stop. Sorry about that, OP.

Been there, done that. 10 years living in Sydney, Australia, I never once drove. I always fell asleep on the bus or the train and once in awhile I would wake up and we had gone past my stop. One time I was almost to Newcastle before I woke up. I just got off the train and walked across the platform to catch a train going back the other way.