By Anonyme - 29/05/2012 10:19

Today, I went to my first ever job interview, in a totally stressed out state. The employer's first question was: "What's your name?" I forgot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 435
You deserved it 95

Top comments

Interviewer: Do you know why you are here? OP: Umm... Urging... John Smith!!!

Should've said, "sorry, I'm just nervous." It solves 9/10 problems. True Story


Like when I answered my nana's phone expecting them to ask if they could speak to her and instead they asked who was talking and I had a total mind blank and just passed the phone to my nana. I think I was about sixteen at the time :/

at least you didn't say something real stupid, but i have to know, did the effin killer man get the unemployment benefits?

freelancejouster 4

Try deep breaths next time, maybe a sheepish smile? Employers eat that shit up.

Write your name on your hand next time so you don't have to remember it