By anonpbc - 28/01/2015 13:51 - United States - Salina

Today, I went on my first date in over 4 years with a smoking hot guy. The big event was a trip to Target. I work at Target. He took me to my workplace for our date. And they say romance is dead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 996
You deserved it 3 041

anonpbc tells us more.

OP here. To clarify for the haters, I do know what a date is supposed to be, I'm not an idiot. We had been planning to meet up for weeks. The date was lame, hence why I posted to FML. But it was definitely intended as a real date, accompanied by dinner and shopping a few other stores. No errands were ran, No groceries or Tp was purchased. I visited a few coworkers & he picked up a few electronics items. and no I didn't buy it or use my employee discount. It was my day off & he knew it was my workplace.

Top comments


are you sure this wasn't him just giving you a ride to work?

Honestly OP, I think as long as you like each other and enjoy each other's company it shouldn't really matter what you do together.

focus on him being hot not the location...

Maybe it's just me, but any date - especially the first one- is not an appropriate time to do some personal shopping.

that's okay, OP. I was on a 'date' once that included driving around the city and sitting in certain car parks. fun!

From the guys perspective: Today, I went to target with a friend, she acted like it was a date. FML

How was that a date? Pretty sure he just wanted your discount