By izzy54149 - 26/10/2011 00:02 - United States

Today, I tried to politely explain to my mother that I'm allergic to her laundry soap. She just called me crazy. I have been scratching for three days straight and my skin is almost all red. She refuses to buy anything else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 641
You deserved it 4 048

izzy54149 tells us more.

I really can't buy my own detergent, I can't drive yet. I would walk to the store and buy it there, but all of the roads have no sidewalks and the cars don't stop. I do my own laundry, but have to use the soap, and when it gets on my hands it's like instant rash.

Top comments

onorexveritas 23

buy your own and do your own laundry


If you're gonna bitch about it go buy your own laundry detergent, and do your own laundry.

Immolate 11

Did anyone read what she said, she posted like three times that she does her own laundry but can't buy her own soap because she cant drive and the streets are dangerous (i mean, who actually wants to get by a car, not a whole lot of people). Seriously, read before you post.

mnfrmnan 5

Time for mommy to stop doing your laundry.

Maybe you should do your own laundry.

Nanael_fml 4

Your mom sounds alot like my bf if it doesn't affect'm then it mustn't be true

Chris20003 17

To everyone that says you deserve it for not doing your own laudnry I believe she responded by saying I DO MY OWN LAUNDRY... Just saying.

Sounds like it's time for you to get allergy tested. Make an appointment, have your mom take you, and make sure she sees and understands the results and EXACTLY what they mean. I feel your pain; I have allergies myself, but at least I live in a neighborhood where I can walk safely to the store to get what I need. FYL for having such an unconcerned parent.

Refuse to wash your clothes until she listens to you.