By Lemurcat - 11/12/2013 16:56 - United States - Ventura

Today, I saw the guy who helped me yesterday when I was lost by telling me which bus to take. He came up to me and asked me how it went. I told him that the bus went the exact opposite way I wanted to go. He laughed and said, "I know." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 386
You deserved it 5 221

Lemurcat tells us more.

Lemurcat 12

I did not expect this to get published! Just to fill you guys in a bit, I did check the buses before leaving home since I just moved here the day before. I like to double check because my memory is poor so I did ask the bus driver, but she said she didn't go to that perticular bus stop (the bus stop near my house for those who are wondering, and yes, she did stop there, she was just confused because I didn't know the streets and was describing landmarks) and she kinda just blew me off. So I was standing around, confused like an idiot and this guy told me to take bus 6. He sounded like he was legitamently trying to help, and I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, so stupid me took his advice. However, I'm not the kind of person to confront people so, I just called him a dickhole and walked away. I wish I could tell you guys that I kicked his ass, but oh well. I did figure out the buses and I'm riding like a pro now. And I even got a booklet to help me if I'm ever lost again. :D

Top comments


I hope you exchanged phone numbers and get married because that would be the best story to tell your future kids!

Lemurcat 12

I think my current fiancé would have a problem with that. lol He already wants to find and kick that guy's ass.

I may be reading between the lines but current fiancé makes it sound like you may subconsciously be waiting for a different/future fiancé.

Lemurcat 12

I only said current because 84 said that they hoped me and the guy exchanged numbers and one day got married (which im assuming is a joke) But I totally get what you mean now that I read my comment again. Haha, as I said before, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed so I dont think about things like this enough. Rest assured that I absolutely love my fiance and I would never leave him. Mostly because we both have an unhealthy obsession with each other and would stalk each other until we had to get back together. LOL

pinchepriscyla 9

That man was a jerk !! That's way i never ask for direction except when the person is a patrolman ( i wonder if that's what u call him) !

I hate people who do that. I see it every now and then especially with international tourists. There is missing a stop and then there is actively being cruel to people who are just trying to get around eco friendly. Sorry op.

yellowzinnias 20

I hate having to ask strangers for directions and not knowing who to trust. While in the UK in June, I stayed in Cranford (MUCH cheaper) and rode the tube into London everyday. Unfortunately, I was not warned that Cranford is a VERY anti-American area. It took me 3 days to realize that the regular bus driver was charging me twice the actual fare for a one-way ride to the tube station and that the hotel concierge was out-and-out lying when explaining to me how to reach certain tube stops (I do not live near any type of underground transportation and this was my first time riding such a thing.) Luckily, there were actually nice people at the tube stations who helped me figure out which trains I needed and which changes I needed to make. One memorable day, I did the smile-and-nod through the (attempting-to-be) helpful advice of a Scotsman and a gentleman with a Geordie accent before I got help from someone I could understand. But it says something that so many people were willing to stop and help me!

You did right, op. Not kicking him around and all.... Still maybe this can make you internet famous!

regib 8

Cause google maps tells you so much about bus routes and which bus to take. ?

If you choose the public transport route it does, at least for my area anyway