By PeppermintPenny - 06/04/2015 13:54 - Germany - Leopoldsh?he

Today, I saw one one of my cat's hairs on my sweatpants and wanted to remove it. It wasn't a cat hair, but a pubic hair that has found its way through my panties and sweatpants while being still attached to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 802
You deserved it 15 029

PeppermintPenny tells us more.

OP here, hi. I REALLY can’t believe this got posted. Out of all the times I tried, this FML had to be my first that got published. I would’ve preferred some others, but that’s what you get for trying I guess. I bet you’re all wondering about my age, I’m 19. Being completely curious about the background of most FMLs, I promised myself I’d do a follow-up no matter what, so here it is. It seems my post has divided the community. I trim! Thanks to everyone jumping to my defense saying that unshaven/untrimed hair isn’t strong enough to pierce through clothing. It has grown a little longer in the last couple of weeks since I’m currently at home for the semester break and left my trimmer in my apartment at the university (I have a seperate razor for my armpits). But its still in a normal range even if I say so myself. To the event itself: I haven’t been feeling well the last few days and had been wearing the sweatpants, that are a little on the flimsy side, for a little over 24 hours. I was with my family but they didn’t pay attention to me. In our house everywhere is cat hair, so its not a notable thing to pick a few of the cats hairs of your clothing. Imagine my surprise when I tried removing that particular hair and I felt a tuck. It didn’t hurt, like some might think, cause I don’t rip cat hair from my clothing. I got up, washed my hands and moved my sweatpants around so it was tucked back in. Not a permanent solution, I know, but I do plan on taking care of it this week. I hope you all understand that I mean I will trim this week. To all those people saying „EWWW, OP YOU HAVE TO SHAVE“: I’m not here to please you and I can do whatever I want with my body as long as it doesn’t affect others and believe me, this sure as hell doesn’t affect you, so please hold back your unwanted advice. On the hygienic viewpoint: I have never read this much about vaginal care at once, and that on FML. While you can do whatever you feel right about, don’t lecture me on what you THINK is best. I like lifestyle advice best with facts that have been scientifically proven. Ratings in the **** industry don’t count. The pro bush front almost has me convinced to let it sprout, because it appears to have a lot of (hygienic) advantages, but I think I strike the happy medium and keep with neat trimming. I would ask my boyfriend on his preference, but I’m single (always have been and fear that I always will be, but I think that‘s another FML altogether). I hope I answered most of your questions. I’m purposly not answering all of them, but if you ask nicely and respectfully maybe I will. Thanks again to those who defended me and didn’t assume I was a unhygienic, disgusting bitch, just because I let my pubic hair grow a little. You’re the best and I really feel accepted here and much better about the FML. Without you, there probably wouldn’t be a follow-up. Also some comments really made me laugh out loud, keep up the good work!

Top comments

It's spring, time to prune the bushes back

RedPillSucks 31

the winter rug? just tuck it back in


OP here, hi. I REALLY can’t believe this got posted. Out of all the times I tried, this FML had to be my first that got published. I would’ve preferred some others, but that’s what you get for trying I guess. I bet you’re all wondering about my age, I’m 19. Being completely curious about the background of most FMLs, I promised myself I’d do a follow-up no matter what, so here it is. It seems my post has divided the community. I trim! Thanks to everyone jumping to my defense saying that unshaven/untrimed hair isn’t strong enough to pierce through clothing. It has grown a little longer in the last couple of weeks since I’m currently at home for the semester break and left my trimmer in my apartment at the university (I have a seperate razor for my armpits). But its still in a normal range even if I say so myself. To the event itself: I haven’t been feeling well the last few days and had been wearing the sweatpants, that are a little on the flimsy side, for a little over 24 hours. I was with my family but they didn’t pay attention to me. In our house everywhere is cat hair, so its not a notable thing to pick a few of the cats hairs of your clothing. Imagine my surprise when I tried removing that particular hair and I felt a tuck. It didn’t hurt, like some might think, cause I don’t rip cat hair from my clothing. I got up, washed my hands and moved my sweatpants around so it was tucked back in. Not a permanent solution, I know, but I do plan on taking care of it this week. I hope you all understand that I mean I will trim this week. To all those people saying „EWWW, OP YOU HAVE TO SHAVE“: I’m not here to please you and I can do whatever I want with my body as long as it doesn’t affect others and believe me, this sure as hell doesn’t affect you, so please hold back your unwanted advice. On the hygienic viewpoint: I have never read this much about vaginal care at once, and that on FML. While you can do whatever you feel right about, don’t lecture me on what you THINK is best. I like lifestyle advice best with facts that have been scientifically proven. Ratings in the **** industry don’t count. The pro bush front almost has me convinced to let it sprout, because it appears to have a lot of (hygienic) advantages, but I think I strike the happy medium and keep with neat trimming. I would ask my boyfriend on his preference, but I’m single (always have been and fear that I always will be, but I think that‘s another FML altogether). I hope I answered most of your questions. I’m purposly not answering all of them, but if you ask nicely and respectfully maybe I will. Thanks again to those who defended me and didn’t assume I was a unhygienic, disgusting bitch, just because I let my pubic hair grow a little. You’re the best and I really feel accepted here and much better about the FML. Without you, there probably wouldn’t be a follow-up. Also some comments really made me laugh out loud, keep up the good work!

MzZombicidal 36

Thank you for the follow-up, OP. I enjoyed your FML! I apologize on behalf of all of the morons who seem to want to judge a woman on how hairless or hairy she is without knowing anything about her??? Just keep doing what makes YOU comfortable. :) I'm also glad you didn't try to yank the hair away! That could have ended pretty roughly. lol.

Thanks for the follow-up! You seem very nice and mature. I just assume that from the way you handled the jerks. And don't worry about never having a boyfriend. My aunt (by-marriage) just recently got married to my uncle after two years of being together and he was her first bf. She didn't even meet him until she was twenty-nine. So be happy, God is saving you for the right person and giving you the gift of not having to go through to much heartbreak to reach him. Sorry if you aren't religious and/or a different religion. But if you are then replace God with either A.) The universe or B.) Whatever deity/deities you worship. Have a good day :)

Wow, I don't think we needed an essay in response. But yeah having pubic hair isn't gross. Preference is fine, but being grossed out at it means you're grossed out at a sign of a woman that's past puberty.

Awesome follow-up OP. Much love to a fellow cat lady that rocks the bush!

Believe me, boyfriends like a little maintenance.

If you are single, then you have nobody to answer to. Showering daily is plenty hygiene, almost anything beyond that (and brushing teeth) is cosmetic. I'm sorry to hear about the always single, but if a guy you are interested in sees this area then seeing him again will have nothing to do what what he sees down there (provided no surprises leaving him looking for an adams apple). From the FML, i dont get it. Hair has never bothered me, sorry

#156 Your opinion isn't fact. Some people like no hair, some like a lot. Let people decide over their own body. Anyway, OP, thanks for the follow-up. Always appreciate reading those.

#153 I really don't know why your comment is being downvoted. It IS a long follow-up. Probably because I enjoy reading those and always want to know more and because I felt I had to clarify my situation and point of view on such a dividing topic. Also I talk a lot, too. And thank you to for all the kind comments. You're the best :)

I don't know either, I just agreed with you and I was kind of joking with the first part.

You do you, OP. Preference is one thing, but being disgusted by the idea of a woman with body hair is just immature. I personally like some hair down there too and my boyfriend doesn't mind one bit :) I am also my boyfriend's first girlfriend and we met when he was 21, so don't give up hope! You just have to meet the right person.

Vesi 29

"To all those people saying „EWWW, OP YOU HAVE TO SHAVE“: I’m not here to please you and I can do whatever I want with my body as long as it doesn't affect others and believe me, this sure as hell doesn't affect you, so please hold back your unwanted advice. On the hygienic viewpoint: I have never read this much about vaginal care at once, and that on FML. While you can do whatever you feel right about, don’t lecture me on what you THINK is best. I like lifestyle advice best with facts that have been scientifically proven. Ratings in the **** industry don’t count." Good for you!! I'm the same way about anyone telling me how I should take care of my body (outside of my doctor). You do you any way YOU feel comfortable and don't let ANYONE (even a future SO) tell you how to take care of yourself.

OP, about the whole boyfriend thing, I've been with mine for almost seven months, and we've had extensive conversations about my pubes, and he (along with many other guys I've been with or talked to about it) don't care about pubes as long as it's not a bush. So trimming is actually okay with a lot of guys, especially those who love you! So don't worry about it :)

I only shave when I see my boyfriend. Otherwise, I feel weird doing it. Children are supposed to be hairless, not grown and/or teenage women and ladies!

Believe me and shut the **** up. Its her body. She's not your girlfriend. You don't have a say in what she does with her body.

actually u did affect me with ur choices because now i have to live with that gross image of ur pubes

dragoongirl90 34

My doctors have advised shaving. With a razor, as close as possible. They say THAT is most hygienic, and prevents yeast infections among other things.

176, that's just as disrespectful as telling op they need to shave because it's gross otherwise. People have their preferences, some like no hair. Nothing is wrong with that. As for op, good for you I'm glad you don't listen to what others tell you. Your body is between you and your partner when you get one. As for hygiene, it goes back and forth. Most doctors I've seen recommend leaving at least a little hair to keep out germs but if you are careful then it's up to you.

I'm not going to lie... This incident has actually happened to me once (replace the word cat with dog). I was in some really tight (and very thin) underwear and joggers when I saw what I thought was one of my dog's hairs (same colour). Pulled at it only for it to hurt a bit (made my eyes water) and knew instantly it belonged to me. I was only 13-14 then and I was too scared to 'trim the bush' because I somehow convinced myself it would hurt.

hjds4n5 12

That's pretty unfortunate. But also kind of impressive.

Everyone saying it's "nasty": you're entitled to your opinion, if you find pubic hair unattractive that's fine. But you have no right to tell other people what to do with their body hair, and you're actually completely wrong about it being unhygienic. It would only be unhygienic if the individual didn't shower (and I'm assuming that OP does shower). And to all the guys complaining: unless you have hairless bits and pits too, it's very hypocritical and a bit ridiculous for YOU to be complaining. Grow up people, it's just hair.

Try not giving your opinion on what another person should do with HER body next time. Thanks.

act like a keeper and dont let them travel too far...bushes are sexy though!

Okay, just to clear things up with some of you: leaving your pubic hair as it is isn't a magical solution against mircobes or stds. It doesn't protect you more, or less. The fact of shaving/waxing does increase the risk of catching something by damaging your skin. Trimming is ok. It's sad that this must be precised, because nowadays a lot of people are, frankly speaking, dumb. And from a lot of posts, they will only remember that pubic hair are good against bacterias/std (wich is wrong) and not that shaving/waxing brings a risk with it (which is right). As for you OP: just do what you like. Take the health infos and remember, it is YOUR body, so decide for yourself.

Thank you. I love the people referring to vague "studies" that having pubic hair is so much more hygienic/protective. In truth we're not totally sure why humans evolved it, but a form of sexual ornamentation is the most likely. Back when we had a keener sense of smell, the hair (much like your armpits) would trap sweat and pheromones, becoming noticeable to the opposite sex. It's *possible* that protecting the ****** from dirt particles (much like eyelashes protect the eyes) was a secondary function, but men don't have hair protecting their urethras, and the possibility of lice infestation would cancel out any benefit. That said, I guess it could lower the transmission rate of skin-to-skin STDs like herpes or HPV, but this is 2015. Humping indiscriminately and relying on your pubes for protection is a really bad idea. Regardless, in current times it really doesn't matter what one chooses to do with their pubic hair from a hygienic perspective. We wear clothes, shower often, and get medical care when we need it - how much or little hair someone has makes zero difference. It's totally a matter of personal preference.

having hair is actually healthier for the body anyway.