By Dramori - 27/11/2014 16:30

Today, I realised I was far too attached to my duvet. Literally. I just got a large tattoo on my back, and my duvet somehow stuck to my skin during the night and formed part of the scab. I now have the joy of deciding whether to tear it off fast or peel it away slowly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 468
You deserved it 6 601

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OP here! Thanks for the funny comments! This actually happened a couple of years ago - it was my first tatt and was only told to rub it regularly with savlon until it healed, and to sleep on my stomach. I ended up jumping in the shower and soaked the duvet to peel off slowly. As seen from my profile pic it wasn't damaged in the end and turned out pretty damn sweet!

Top comments

It is part of you now, best to move on and accept your new body.

I wouldn't do either. Get a spray bottle of water and wet it, hopefully that will detach it but don't rip it off, picking/pulling off the scabs can pull out the ink, and damage the tattoo.


I hope everything turns out right for you! That sounds so painfull. More painfull then getting the tattoo.

be careful as you can ruin your tattoo. follow this other advice and make it damp first.

Hopefully some warm water will do the trick! That sounds truly terrible.

Sathane 21

Your fault. There is a very good reason why your tattoo artist will tell you to keep the tattoo covered. You just learned why. :P

Of my 4 tattoos (all done by different artist) NOT one told me to keep them covered more than a few hours.

I have 7 tattoos, and I never covered any of them. A new tattoo needs to breathe!

You should never peel the scabs off of tattoos, OP, it'll just pull the ink right out and look blotchy. Just leave the duvet fibers and they'll fall off with the scabs.

A doonah, as they call it in Australia. That thick thing you sleep under, but isn't wooly like a blanket. You can put covers on it that usually come with matching pillow cases.

Wouldn't that ruin the tat a bit? That shouldn't be a question to ask

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A good tattoo artist knows that a tattoo needs to BREATHE so if he covers your tattoo, he'd tell you not to leave it on for more than a few hours.

my tattoo artists have always said to not keep it covered for more than an hour after it being finished.

Gauze is the worst thing you could ever put on a tattoo. The only thing trustworthy tattoo artists will put on your tattoo is a clear protective wrap(similar to Saran Wrap) or a bandage that won't stick to the ink. Gauze would stick to the healing tattoo and damage it as soon as you remove it. Also you're never, ever supposed to leave it on for more than 12 hours....