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By Anonymous - 13/08/2020 08:24

Today, I’m almost 23 and never had sex and I’m too awkward around people to ever even get to that stage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66
You deserved it 16

Top comments

The older you get the more comfortable people are at getting to sex quickly. This problem will literally get easier every day.


I get it, you are horny. If you want to have sex with another human, you have to avoid treating the sex as a GOAL. Nearly everyone enjoys sex. If you concentrate on developing yourself as a person and as a friend to your circle of acquaintances, you will develop friendships. Some of these will lead to opportunities for sexual release. You might even find yourself in a relationship, where sex will be a part of how you relate to the other person. Don't compromise your morals or ideals because you are horny, you will regret it. DO understand that not all relationships will become sexual, and not all sexual activity will lead to relationships. This is more complicated than Hollywood makes it: the vast majority of humans do not go out on a Saturday night, find the cutest human in the bar, and then take them aside for no-strings-attached sex. That is reserved for only the most beautiful and sociopathic among us. Most "normies" will need to cultivate intimacy before sex becomes part of the equation. Sorry if this is bad news, but I assure you I am sincere.

The older you get the more comfortable people are at getting to sex quickly. This problem will literally get easier every day.