By Teu_much - 10/06/2014 02:33 - United States - Bronx

Today, I let my dog outside to play. He shat on three cars, played dead in the middle of the street, and chased my neighbors' cat into a pool. When he came back into the house, he had a note taped to his back saying "IOU 1 lawsuit". FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 993
You deserved it 25 034

Teu_much tells us more.

Thank you 42. That was the exact reason why I posted it. I never knew so much people on here would take this post to heart. It isn't that serious to hate me for it.

Top comments

brettrb 18

I find that the monthly payments on leasing a dog are quite reasonable, but the interest is just ridiculous.

Sorry but YDI for letting your dog outside without supervision or an electric fence.


justmeCee 16

You should respect the leash law and be a responsible dog owner. YDI

Put it on a run in the day and let him free at midnight or so. We have to do that with my mastiff.

The note might mean the person had a sense of humor on the bright side.

How does a dog just go and shit on 3 cars?

hailsatan9549 6
91hayek 31

I have never heard of a more proficient delinquent dog. I would be angry but I am actually impressed.

Thank you 42. That was the exact reason why I posted it. I never knew so much people on here would take this post to heart. It isn't that serious to hate me for it.

OP, so you let your dog out, and don't bother to supervise it, let it run free to shit on people's property, play dead in the middle of the road at the risk of it being hurt by oncoming cars, and you don't think it was a big deal? You shouldn't own a dog...