By FallingNinjaa - 02/05/2014 00:07 - United States - Tampa

Today, I had to once again lie to a customer about why I was the only one manning the shop, saying that they must have run out for lunch - my coworkers were too busy getting stoned in their cars to do their job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 504
You deserved it 5 245

FallingNinjaa tells us more.

OP here. I don't use this site enough to know that I needed an account to reply... I'm a barber. We're all independent contractors and we don't make money unless we're physically working. I make good money and have no intention of quitting; my problem with my coworkers getting stoned is that customers have an unnecessary wait time when they should be able to be served immediately, and when they do come back in, it looks bad on everyone as a whole for them to smell like that on the clock - an no, they're perfumes aren't cloaking it. The boss knows they smoke, she knows they smoke on the clock, but when anyone tells her that someone is being lax, her response is "well more money for you, then." Again, that's not the problem I'm having. I actually like my job, and I want customers to actually have a good experience when they're there. With what my coworkers are doing, they're not. Also, it's an independent store. There is no HR, no corporate, just the woman who owns the business itself - she's the only boss.

Top comments

oddities 20

You shouldn't cover for their asses anymore. If they wanna get stoned while you work, they should have to deal with the consequences. Next time, you should tell the customer the truth. If you can't bring yourself to report your coworkers, the customer might. You've gotta at least try.

still sucks, if I was a customer and saw your co-workers stoned whilst on the job I'd leave and go find a different shop. You say you're making good money, so I assume you've built a decent client base who come to the shop to be served by you.


More hours more pay? Still you shouldn't be alone unless your supervisor is getting stoned as well you should be able to take a quick break

Apparently you didn't read the op's response. The owner is the boss the only boss and she already knows and doesn't seem to care!

Dont cover but report to ur boss. u should not do all thr work by ur self

I agree. You shouldn't have to cover for other ppl just because they want to get high. I would not help anyone and tell the customers you're on break.

why not complain to management rather then to fml?

You must have missed the OP's replies. She did report it to the boss, the boss doesn't seem to care.

davin_ehh 2

Yo dude. Don't snitch. Don't feel bad for covering for the homies. You're just down. That's a good quality. **** all these people who are like "tell your boss". Just take turns burning it ehhh

Axel5238 29

Comments like this are great proof for why it shouldn't be legalized.

I can see that 88 will be going far in life... Smh

hippo1234 19

Sorry to drudge up an old thread here, but people like 88 give everyone a bad name. You could say the same thing about people who get stupid while drunk or don't have any self control. I smoke weed, yes. I also have a job, I graduated two years early from both high school and college, have very little debt, am working on becoming a licensed architect (which means I need a master's degree) and am very involved in charity and volunteering both locally and abroad. One dumb, fake "stoner" shouldn't make you judge something.

skittyskatbrat 19

Stop lying to cover them. Just simply state "They are taking a break." You can also politely offer to let them schedule a future appointment with you, specifically, so that they aren't stuck waiting again. They made the choice not to take their job seriously and to not be responsible (seriously, stopping work to go smoke a joint? WTF???)...don't make a point of telling the customers, but don't hide it either. "They are all taking a break; if the wait time is a problem, you are welcome to schedule an appointment at a specific time in the future and select a different stylist."

ravencrotty 6

You should have told her the truth.

Axel5238 29

OP if your manager doesn't care get out of there. It won't be long before they absue that more and more. Report your boss, if something happens and it comes back as a safety incident you'll be implicated for not going to the proper authorities. Your boss should not be running as business.. Distance from them as much as possible.

There are always higher ups. Report them.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

There actually aren't always higher-ups. The woman OP works for OWNS the shop. She's the sole owner.