By sh3lbst3r - 14/03/2014 22:59 - Australia - Epping

Today, I had to explain to my neighbours that I wasn't "watching porn" earlier, and that I was honestly just watching an episode of Game of Thrones. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 727
You deserved it 5 440

sh3lbst3r tells us more.

The only reason they could hear it was because my apartment has pretty thin walls and I was doing dishes, watching it on my laptop beside me. The volume was cranked so I could hear it and of course that suuuuper long scene with Little Finger and the two girls came on -_- They were good about the whole thing and laughed it off and I promised to turn it down.

Top comments

I don't mean to be rude but surely it is none of your neighbours business anyway?

asnakelovinbabe 16

If I were the neighbor I might care if say, the **** was loud enough that my young child could hear it through the walls. That would be entirely unnecessary and definitely an acceptable reason to have a chat with someone next door. In other words, no it isn't their business what you watch, unless you make it their business by playing it much louder than necessary.


Ma_Nikka 24

Next time make it Game of Moans

Millianna_fml 6

you shouldn't have to explain what you were doing inside your home to outsiders. like the others said it is none of their business.

HBO... ****... Same difference. You know... Tomatoes, tom--wait... It doesn't work when I write it.

Tomato tomato.. Yeah had the same problem the other day.

Where I'm deployed I have a roommate who's bed is on the other side of a divider. And it's thin 'walls' between rooms, I also work nights and get back in the early morning hours, so I use them for courtesy to my roommate, and neighbors.

it a good show and **** is also. hmm are they jealous

the_shift 13

Why is it any of their business anyway???

Game of Thrones is just one long porno

I'm not even sure how it would be any of their business anyway. Who asks their neighbour if they are watching ****?

If it's loud enough that they can hear it, obviously.

The only reason I can think about, that would lead to a conversation about a neighbors pornuse, is if the audio was extremely loud. Otherwise just put on some music to drown out the sounds, and try not to think about it.

you must either have really thin walls or watch TV really loud