By pixie09 - 08/11/2010 20:43 - United States

Today, I got sentenced to 20 hours community service for having a boy in my room an hour after floor hours. If I don't do the community service, I could get kicked out of the dorm and put on probation at my college. We were breaking up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 447
You deserved it 11 636

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it's college they need to stop treating you like little kids.

This fml confuses me :/ Why would a college be able to sentence you to community service?


She broke the rules. Why probably isn't that important.

megamandude455 10

just suck up 5 hours a day for 4 days op. hell that's what i'd do. i don't care.

Sayhwhat 0

hold on, you don't think you should of got punished even though you still broke the rules

Seriously, when you're such a (likely) highly emotional situation like breaking up, who the hell stops to think about a stupid rule like that? I'd make a stink about how unfair the sentence is, because of the circumstances that brought it about

trueblue42 4

doesn't matter what you were doing, if you knew the rules and the consequences for not following them YDI.

81 u are also a tool although I thoroughly enjoyed ur comment.

speaknowww 0
ThomwithanH 0

My college didn't have any rules like that, but even still that seems a bit excessive... I was an RA and I saw less severe punishments for things much more serious than having visitors over after hours.

FMyLifeCereal 0

She forgot to mention it was the 14th time she'd been caught.

if she attends a private/Christian university they can (and almost always do) implement rules like that. the rules are usually somewhere along the lines of no boys in the room with the door closed or after midnight.

This fml confuses me :/ Why would a college be able to sentence you to community service?

because the college has rule, these hours aren't required by law. just by the school and if she doesn't complete them she won't be able to live on campus anymore.

lemonypower 6

so why don't you just tell them they might understand?

Bees_fml 0

Why would telling them they might understand do anything?

it's college they need to stop treating you like little kids.

GoodLookingGeese 10

rules are rules, it's like with the law - we don't have to like it but we have to accept it!

Oscar_Wilde 0

Laws are often stupid and arbitrary; therefore, it's stupid and arbitrary to follow all laws.

YDI, you could've broke up with him any other time.