By AndyClara - 14/06/2015 20:27 - Australia - Raymond Terrace

Today, I found out why my mother-in-law kept asking for one particular photo of our baby. She just wanted to show off the blanket that she had made to her friends on Facebook. Her first grandchild was almost completely cropped out of the picture. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 895
You deserved it 2 250

AndyClara tells us more.

I'm a midwife as well as a mother. I know the world doesn't revolve around me, and that people generally don't care about baby photos unless they know someone related to them or they are very well taken. I've met more new grandparents that I can count, her behaviour is just not typical of the average grandparent I meet. She is a lovely person, she is just not a baby person. No craft group and no other photos of the baby. She is not the worst Grandparent in the world and our baby is beautiful. I found the situation amusing and strange, which makes a perfect submission to FML, so I submitted it! Her reasoning behind it is she didn't want to look like she was showing off her work. The comment section of her Facebook was very amusing to read, almost as amusing as this one, so thanks for the laughs.

Top comments

obliviongillette 18

Get a picture of them together, completely crop her out and post it on Facebook.

She's proud about the blanket - let her be. It sounds like she worked hard on it and wants to show what she did. You have to remember that the world doesn't revolve around you and your baby - everyone else has their own life and interests. I'm sure she probably has other pictures of your baby (posted on fb or not) so I just don't see the big deal here.


She could have shown off the blanket she made without cropping out the baby. That would have ensured not hurting anyones feelings about it..

cryssycakesx3 22

not everything someone does is about hurting someone else's feelings. ugh so sick of whiny ninnies that think everyone is out to hurt their feelings.

wordygirl 11

It's not easy having a mother-in-law. I know I've had two:/ It's so easy to get your feelings hurt. I understand feelings are neither right nor wrong... they just are. Sorry op:/

beeriah17 14

people are so sensitive these days... she's probably shown pictures of your baby all the time to her friends and the one time she wants to show a blanket she'd made FOR YOUR BABY she becomes the worst grandmother ever.

35, that grandma was asking for a picture OF THE BABY and then decided that the baby did not deserve to be in the picture and only the blanket she made should be, no shes not the worst grandmother ever but she's definitely a little rude to do that

I'm a midwife as well as a mother. I know the world doesn't revolve around me, and that people generally don't care about baby photos unless they know someone related to them or they are very well taken. I've met more new grandparents that I can count, her behaviour is just not typical of the average grandparent I meet. She is a lovely person, she is just not a baby person. No craft group and no other photos of the baby. She is not the worst Grandparent in the world and our baby is beautiful. I found the situation amusing and strange, which makes a perfect submission to FML, so I submitted it! Her reasoning behind it is she didn't want to look like she was showing off her work. The comment section of her Facebook was very amusing to read, almost as amusing as this one, so thanks for the laughs.

Thanks for the follow up. Congratulations to your baby! :)

Huh, surely a photo without the baby is purely showing off her work? Anyway, I hope once the baby is a little older she grows more interested. To be honest, if you're not a baby person they are a bit boring! Way more fun in a year or so. :) I'm sure you'll all do just fine, and congratulations! Any highlights of the Facebook comment feed?

They all look the same. Like a little Winston Churchill.

I wonder why she wasn't just straightforward about it. "Can I have that picture where you can see the blanket I made? I want to show my friends."

Astrobomb 21

Sounds like my mother in law

This is why I think FML needs a "So what?" button.