By HauntedTwilight - 15/08/2014 01:09 - Canada - Mount Uniacke

Today, I found out that my doctor wasn't kidding when he said "sudden diarrhea may occur" with my new medication. I learned this while walking my dog a mile away from my house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 038
You deserved it 6 032

HauntedTwilight tells us more.

Hey, OP here :) I've never experienced any side effects from medication (until now), and when the doctor and I went over the side effects together he kind of chuckled when he said "sudden diarrhea may occur". The medication is cymbalta (anti-depressant) so I took it as a joke that an anti-depressant could cause such a side effect, and when he chuckled I really thought he was kidding. I was clearly wrong, haha. Luckily, I was able to bolt home before anything extremely bad happened. My dog enjoyed the quick run a lot more than I did. Still easily one of the most embarrassing days of my life! I've earned the nickname "Shitty pants" from my 61 year old father who is never going to let me forget this. Shitty situation all around! :P

Top comments

Use the bushes. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Dreamsorrow93 24

Well, make like your diarrhea and run for it.


jajajanie 13
pyromaniac69 4

Oh the shit in my pants? My dog did that.

skittyskatbrat 19

#56, must be a border collie....

reiichan 18

Talk about having a very shitty day

raspution 21

hope u had a bucket at least.

Looks like you had to walk the brown mile

It's okay OP I had sudden diarrhea halfway up the tallest mountain on the east coast.. No way out of that