By ecuboy - 26/10/2010 16:49 - United States

Today, I found out I received a "D" on my ethics exam, not because I did not know the information or did not follow the correct guidelines for writing the moral arguments, but because according to my professor my moral values are wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 310
You deserved it 3 896

ecuboy tells us more.

ecuboy 5

To answer some questions: I attend a public university (ECU), and the professor teaches closed-minded ethics. If you take anybody's cultural background or own personal beliefs into consideration when determining if what they did was morally right or wrong than you are wrong. There are no gray areas and there are no extenuating circumstances to change that in his mind.

Top comments

Hersheykiss1327 3

wow what a bitch. that is completely wrong and you should definitely report it! hopefully the problem can be resolved and u can either retake it or have it graded more fairly... she could get fired for that =

I completely agree that your professor is messed up. The same thing happened to me in my religion class. I told my teacher that I did not believe anything we were learning, and she gave me a F on the next test.


NightGod 0

College (much like working for just about any company, at least in the US) has nothing to do with what YOU think is the right thing to do. It has to do with what your professor (or boss) says is the right thing to do. I realize it can feel good to exert your independent thinking, just know that doing so is likely to get you independently flunked (or fired). Yeah, it sucks, save your independent thought for when you're sitting around bullshitting with your buddies.

take it to the dean/principle. they aren't allowed to discriminate against you for that

My comments aren't showing up, can anyone see this!?!!

Anaxes 5

Who are you replying to Zebidee?

#88/Anaxes - it was to #77, and was intended as a joke, but I don't think it worked very well.

Anaxes 5

#94 - You are incorrect, for our roles are in fact reversed, my post was meant as a joke as well, but you misunderstood :P

Waving around plastic flags is not patriotic.

#95 - Well played sir, well played. #97 - LOL what?

upsidedownseven 0

Don't feel bad OP I went to a polytechnic (University) over here that failed me on a paper for the same reason. Cultural saftey essays were only correct if you wrote with the same biased point of view of the university (I know I cant spell to save myself here). It was incredibly frustraiting to have to write against my beliefs just to pass. The points of view I associated with I was taught at highschool, interesting how the uni was so different....

you deserve a better mark if you got the questions right..

I'm guessing you're using the James and Stuart Rachels book on Ethics. Which only really has a use as toilet paper or for starting fires.

nigahigafan 0

please dumb it down for me, my life is nowhere near economics

OP what do you think ethics means? If you really don't get how it's tied with morals then obviously you didn't understand the class. It's like going to a Catholic class and getting the professor fired because you asked a question about homosexuality (looking at you Wisconsin)

*Cough* Nazi *Cough* u know how ironic that is? he said you have bad moral values when he did something totally morally wrong