By Anonymous - 29/06/2010 18:53 - United States

Today, I called my mother to check up on her. Lately, she's been having some financial problems, so last week I sent her my last $100 to help her out until her next paycheck. She used the money to euthanize the family dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 481
You deserved it 45

Top comments

If the dog had a serious illness doesnt seem wrong, unless she did it just to get rid of an expense


Well, I hope the dog is sick, because for one I don't even kill spiders I'm not cruel like a lot of people who say "it's just a bug" it's still a living creature, anyway off topic for second why the Hell would you randomly kill your dog?!?!

LOL!! #138 WTF? haha, I know that version was singing it today and nobody got it.

what did you want her to do, take it out back and shoot it herself?

mynewaccount 8
ThatLooksSticky 16

That was a smart move. No more wasting money on dog food!

actually... take ur next paycheck and put her down too.

VETS. A human armpit hair makes a great prosthetic leg for an invalid spider.

This sounds to me like someone is just trying to make a situation more dramatic than it really is.. because who the hell puts down the "family dog" for no reason? That's stupid. Not only that but they won't put a dog down unless there's something wrong with it. At least 99% of the time they won't, unless they're complete idiots. But regardless.. I call shenanigans and/or attention seeking drama queen on this one.