Tact and charm

By Anonymous - 08/10/2011 13:04 - United States

Today, the girl my boyfriend cheated on me with posted pics of them kissing on Facebook, and tagged me in them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 049
You deserved it 4 193

Same thing different taste


ikickgingers 15

How do you kiss in Facebook? I kid, I kid. - it takes two to ******* tango. So let me say; your boyfriend is a piece of shit. The girl is a *****. You are an asshat. If you stay in that relationship you deserve whatever comes. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Wow, she must have epic self esteem issues. I mean, she's with a dude that she knows cheated on someone (which means he'll more that likely do the same to her eventually) and she feels the need to try to shove that in your face, just to make herself feel like she's better than you. Don't even worry about her, karma will get her and your douchey ex eventually.

countmystrides 5
ImOlivia 5

You are like 10 years old. What are you doing on FML?

Llama_Face89 33

What's that even supposed to mean?

armywife0609 4

@ #5 its not her fault, for all we know they were friends or and she didn't find out until she was tagged or it could be entirely possible that she didn't even know her at all and was tagged because obviously the other girl wanted to Be mean, you don't have to be friends with someone to get tagged

wow, what a bitch! but...to tag you don't you have to be friends? if yall are fb friends then ydi

kristina1124 3

For some girl to do that she must feel really shitty about herself and she is just jealous of u. they obviously deserve each other and u deserve so much better girl!