Sleepy head

By wideawakeandinpain - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, after staying up all night with an excruciating headache, it finally went away. I crawled into bed and snuggled up to my husband only to have him shift positions and elbow me right in the head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 628
You deserved it 3 226

Top comments

Darklord53 0

If you're having adventure problems I feel bad for ya son, I dodged 99 arrows but my knee took one.


desireev 17

For all the people saying "hit him back" and what not.. OPs husband was sleeping. Even though OPs headache is a shitty situation.. The man is innocent until proven awake. So shut up already!

kulliken 5

Oh he was awake. And bitter you said no to sex earlier due to a"headache" he was just verifying your story.

YourBabyGirlRav 8

Awhhh :( that sucks. Take a painkiller and go to sleep a little farther from your husband.

Remedy for massive skull cramp: 2 Excedrin washed down with caffeinated beverage of your choice (I prefer Coca Cola) followed by an ******. Works every time

Poser1337 5

Give him a kiss. When he asks "What was that for?" simply reply "For elbowing me." /end sarcasm

serenitychaos20 6

Eh, this happens a lot to me, it's no big fml issue though. Now if he woke up, donkey punched you then tied to you a chair and forced you to eat a hot pocket because it would please him, then him say "oh sorry hunny I didn't know it was you"....then that is fml worthy.

bubo_fml 10

I suggest the doggy style position...No elbow in the face...

KiddNYC1O 20