Self improvement

By little tooth - This FML is from back in 2008 but it's good stuff - France

Today, my wisdom teeth decided to come in. I didn't know that being wise could hurt so much. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 318
You deserved it 9 410

Top comments

starberries 0

Everyone is born without them. You don't sound too smart.


SieglindeMarie 2

Just had mine removed. Hurt worse than when they came in, suck it up.

_Allstar_ 2

Welcome to the real world where being wise hurts a lot and being stupid hurts more!

hate to say it but everyone has this soooo your life is kinda like everyone else's.

joy118 5
Beckysaurus_Rex 3

This isn't an fml. Just a part of life. Happens to everyone. Get the f over it.

VampTat 10

How does someone deserve to have their wisdom teeth come in? That's pure mother natural, it happens to everyone, it's unavoidable.