No match for the overwhelming force

By biotch - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, as a volunteer at the local daycare, I was with 3 and 4 year olds. They thought it would be funny to trip me and then jump on my back. I hit my elbow hard on the ground. A bunch of pre-schoolers beat me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 285
You deserved it 6 528

Top comments

Kids are monsters. Tiny, ruthless monsters.

I guess you already know how many 5-year olds you can beat up: 0


Dependin on your age, im sure if u tried u coulda easily stopped this...

Why does this sound like something out of a movie ?

I guess you already know how many 5-year olds you can beat up: 0

Natadance4eva 0

he/she can't beat up any 5 year olds at a daycare she would've gotten fired!

She's "volunteering" she can't get fired. Most she can get is banned from the daycare or a law suit


LOL...I would have loved to see that. And yes, FYL......

Way to get mugged by toddlers LMAO

fml05 0

i agree with 1 and 2 but if this really happened then i hope you didn't get beat up that bad from toddlers

Well, don't beat yourself up over it.

I imagine that roundhouse kicking them would be a blast.