
By thelarkscaw - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I thought I saw a woodchuck far out in my yard. I wanted to take a cool picture of it so I slowly crept closer and closer to it. I spent half an hour sneaking up on a log. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 343
You deserved it 54 024

Top comments

furbuggy 0

A Woodchuck is a mammal. Not a bird. Epic fail.

@2, how could they have found out how much wood could a wood chuck chuck, if the wood chuck was chucked wood?


You wasted half an hour to figure out it was a piece of wood? That's really... sad. Birds don't sit around that long anyway.

furbuggy 0

A Woodchuck is a mammal. Not a bird. Epic fail.

WoAhAnNa123 0

well, these things do happen...its happened to me except i thought i saw a dog and it looked like someone left it behind. i went to go see it and it was a rock, but i couldnt see to well cuz it was snowing hard. but it was still funny

KalusZwig 2

Oh my god please don't reproduce

guys he probably mixed it up with a wood pecker go easy on him

Did you find out much wood he could chuck at least? Oops read it too fast, fail on my part.

anyone notice this has been posted befor but instead of a woodchuck it a squerral

gingermonster16 0

Wow. Better luck next time? Hope you find that wood chuck.

At least OP got the 'wood' part of the woodchuck right...

AntiChrist7 0

if only they invented a zoom function....

black4wolf 0

FIRST! WOOT!!!! NUMBER 1 AND YDI that one for not hiring cheaters

@2, how could they have found out how much wood could a wood chuck chuck, if the wood chuck was chucked wood?

passwordvixen 0

a wood chuck would chuck wood if a wood chuck could chuck wood. back to my previous point, that is hilarious!

LOL @8 Refer to the second half of my comment I read it way too fast.