Mixed reviews

By nirvana_mama157 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my husband asked me, "Why do you love me?" I spent the next five minutes spilling my heart and soul out to him. After I'd asked the same question, he looked me straight in the eye and said, "I don't." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 803
You deserved it 4 339

Top comments

alexm501 0

Was he joking? If not then he's an ass and you should leave.


Wow, that was really messed up. I hope he wasn't being serious. I would say divorce but no one wants to just jump to that. :/

aaahahahahaha lol I'm sure he was kidding

That's so mean! At least you know how to love!

ressa_1428 0

**** that shit!! Leave his ass! That is so messed up! I know what that's like, and it ain't fun. He's not worth your time. He's a douche-atron.

ressa_1428 0

You should leave a note on the bed one day with a condom and on the note, have it say "if you're gonna be a dick, you mine-as-well dress like one too".

brekab8 14

LOL maybe he was just joking..I mean he married you for some reason...

um ever heard of divorce?? its for a reason...

brekab8 14

well obviously but i wasnt talking to you :)

wtf? lamest way to dump someone ever!!!