Life's a beach

By MICHAELTHEA - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was walking on the beach when I tripped. I was about to land on a kid's sandcastle, so I tried to dodge by leaning left to avoid it. Before I hit the ground, I noticed the many rocks I was heading for. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 152
You deserved it 4 444

Top comments


wow that sounds like you were falling in slow-mo if you noticed all that

how can you change directions when you're falling..?

Rednic 1

FYL, but great reflexes. Guess that training paid off, Rocky.

ilovemeoke 0

Thank you for sacrificing your health for a young and creative individual. You're a great person! :)

were hanging out with slenderman who was...

Let me get this straight, you tripped and swerved to the left and noticed you were about to hit some rocks WHILE typing this. That's not an fml, that's called beast mode!

what he forgot to mention is that he's *still* falling. right now. that's how good he is.

I hope u look at it And laugh cuz that's funny. as long as u werent hurt that bad anyway